First Transmission Date June 10th, 1995, repeated April 9th 1998 (UK GOLD)
CAST LISTEd: Craig McLachlan SYNOPSISA car pulls up outside a building and a chauffeur opens the car door for a nervous-looking man to get out. Once inside, the man (Neville) demands an explanation from the building’s owner, Patric Marcel for his rough treatment: Marcel apologises for the chauffeur, his brother. Neville protests that he is late for a business meeting: Marcel knows that he is on his way to attempt to re-finance his company, and is prepared to make Neville a better offer. Marcel would own the company, with Neville the boss. Refusing the offer, Neville goes to leave but the "chauffeur" has other ideas, and follows Neville to the exit with a bazooka… Beckett asks Ros at the Gizmos office about Neville’s disappearance, and the rash of similar "incidents" involving small companies in financial difficulties. The same French family is buying up the companies one by one: plus, if the offer of financial aid is turned down by the company’s boss within a few hours of the offer they are either dead, or they disappear. Ros shows Ed and Beckett a list of companies currently in danger of takeover: at the top of the list is Newsoms, a custom Truck builder. Ed recognises one of them, Weapon Works, as being owned by a friend of his. He goes to warn her, while Beckett tries to work out why all the losers in town are suddenly so popular…Arriving at Weapon Works, Ed’s friend Clare shows him a number of her range of non-lethal weapons, which is her only line of business. Clare knows Ed has come to her for a reason, but before Ed can tell her what’s happening a small child, who turns out to be Katie, Clare’s daughter, distracts him. Whilst Ed plays with her Clare explains she does not need any help, and despite her need to re-finance the company she is confident she can weather her current difficulties. It is obvious that the pair has been close before, and Clare promises that if she has any problems she will call and tell him. As Ed is leaving Marcel arrives, with the mysterious chauffeur in tow… Beckett has gone to Newsoms, here the owner angrily denies that he is in difficulties and believes Beckett has in fact been sent by Marcel to intimidate him. Unable to work out how Marcel knows so much about them Newsom storms into his office, leaving Beckett to try and start a conversation with Lena, Newsom’s manager. Beckett is succeeding when a massive explosion rips through Newsom’s office…Surveying the damage, Beckett is informed by Beckett that Clare is saying nothing. Outside, Ros consoles a desolate Lena over the untimely demise of Newsom, and tells her to continue trading, allowing Gizmos to pose as the new owners. They will completely bug the premises and will field Marcel’s next move. Beckett is putting the finishing touches to a hastily rebuilt office when Marcel appears, asking where Newsom is. Telling the Frenchman that he is in charge now Patric wastes no time in making his move, as Ros and Ed listen outside. Marcel explains his terms: he is buying up small companies in the unlikely event that their larger competitors may one day suddenly go broke…not such an impossibility as it might sound, as Marcel has some "insider information" that suggests this may well be the case. Beckett accepts Marcel’s offer, and the Frenchman then hands Beckett a disk, on which is a "special" job that he needs completing for his "benefit". Loading the disk the next day Lena is unable to identify what it is that Marcel wants, but knows it is to be fitted to the back of a lorry. Beckett suggests the most sensible course of action is to simply build the item: as Lena begins to place electronic orders for the parts, her machine suddenly stops, then begins to automatically back-up. She explains to the team that the process happens every 24 hours, the reason why Newsoms were able to get back to operational capacity so quickly after the explosion. The company who holds the backup, Computer Recall, is supposed to be totally secure…but who owns them? On his way to the backup company Ed phones Claire to ask her if she uses Computer Recall’s services: she is unable to answer him as an increasingly impatient Marcel has decided to threaten Claire using the one thing she won’t be able to resist: her daughter. Trying to escape, Katie runs into the threatening chauffeur… Ed has arrived at Computer Recall, delivering the aborted backup from Newsoms on disc. Leaving the backups at the drop-off point, in a specially-bugged case with a hidden camera, Ed leaves as a smartly dressed Ros arrives, posing as a potential client. It is Marcel that greets her and shows her around the building: he is charmed by her presence but she is less than impressed. He explains that the bulk of clients are based in London and Geneva: their data is stored on a mainframe Ros is unable to see. The company offers a complete disaster recovery service that is completely secure: the offices are shielded virtually all external interference. Discussing this in Marcel’s office, Ros notices a tray of milk and dinosaur biscuits, which seem more than a little out of place…Whilst using the bathroom, Ros attaches a transmitter to the earth wire of the building’s electrical system and quickly leaves to Marcel’s disappointment. Back at the office Beckett is getting pictures from the briefcase camera: using the Earth wire acts as a giant booster and allows the signal out of the building. The briefcase arrives at the mainframe area, then onto the nerve centre of the building: where Marcel hands the briefcase…to his brother! Ros surmises that Marcel looks the part of a boss but it is in fact his brother who is the real brains behind the team. Ed notices something on the tape, and as Beckett rewinds the recording to enhance the image it becomes clear what Ed has seen: It is Katie, locked in a cage. Ed visits Clare again to try and elicit the truth from her. Clare is too scared by now to trust him, asking him whether he has bugged her office, which is set up for a conference call via PC. Answering a honest "no" Ed leaves and goes to the car park under the building where Ros is attaching a specially-modified bug to Clare’s phone line. Ed has moved Clare’s phone to be next to her machine, as the phone will then act as the "receiver" for the screen signal. Watching the conference call the pair see a frightened Katie taking to her mother, and a threat from Marcel to ensure she gets her part of the plan completed. Back at Gizmos Beckett has identified the source of Marcel’s money: narcotics dealing, for which two brothers and his sister are serving sentences for in French jails, a charge that couldn’t be pinned to Marcel and his brother. The chauffeur brother’s name is revealed as Jean-Daniel: a hard man with a psychotic streak, who left the Foreign Legion because he thought it not tough enough. Returning home after the arrests he took over the family business and is the true brains behind Computer Recall…and he is at the same moment reviewing the tape of Ed’s backup drop-off to identify who slipped a camera inside Computer Recall. Newsoms are in the final stages of constructing their truck attachment, whilst Clare loads two missiles into a container. Finally checking her specs, Lena is attacked by Jean-Daniel who demands to know who’s running their company. Ros and Ed confront Clare, who by now is only concerned with Katie’s safety. Seeing the missiles Ed realises that Newsoms have built a Rocket Launcher: for 2 pulse missiles. The warhead explodes in the air, and the electromagnetic pulse it releases disables all computer equipment within its range. Threatening them to stay away Claire leaves in a hurry: Ed is about to follow but Ros suggests that she does so, and that Ed goes back to Gizmos to get Beckett. Back at Gizmos Beckett gets a shock as he answers the door to Jean-Daniel and his rocket launcher…and it takes just two shots to ensure Beckett is knocked out. Ros has followed Clare to where Marcel is waiting with the Newsoms truck and has forced her to load the missiles at gunpoint, as Ed arrives back at Gizmos to find the place destroyed and a Computer Recall calling card… Beckett regains consciousness in the cage with Katie. Ed calls Ros to tell her about Beckett, as she watches Clare load the truck with Marcel, who now has no interest in releasing Clare’s daughter. Beckett has noticed he is in the Main Control Room, and Jean-Daniel can’t resist telling him of their plan: explode the two pulse weapons above London and Geneva, destroying the big companies and allowing the smaller companies the brothers now own to take over. The information they have is impervious to a pulse weapon, unless it explodes inside the building. As Marcel leaves, Ros jumps onto the back of the truck and gains entry to the missiles: as Jean-Daniel sets the targets for their destinations. As she is about to try and sabotage the missiles Marcel interrupts Ros with a gun: the devices are on a one-minute countdown and now cannot be stopped. Marcel maintains his reputation as the "stupid" brother…standing behind the missiles’ rocket engines Ros is able to keep him talking until the rockets fire, which kill him and blow him out of the truck. Meanwhile Beckett has noticed a pair of wire cutters on a nearby computer trolley, with a conveniently placed power cable attached. Ros releases the truck from the tractor unit, and with considerable enthusiasm heads for Computer Recall… Outside Computer Recall, Clare has arrived to try and free her daughter, with Ed not far behind. Jean-Daniel sees them outside and decides to use his trusty bazooka, which gives Beckett the opportunity to get Katie to use her smaller hands to reach through the cage bars to grab the trailing wire. Jean-Daniel blows up what he thinks is Clare…and Ed has an idea on gaining entry. Beckett meanwhile is trying to reprogram the missile paths…however, Katie proves once again that she is the one who really knows what she’s doing by performing the job for him. Ed gets Clare to "post" him into the same slot he posted Newsoms backup…and Jean-Daniel returns to find the missiles diverted and no means of him changing their course! Katie and Beckett try and make a run for the lift via the Mainframe room, with an incensed Jean-Daniel in pursuit. Ros arrives with the truck and meets Clare, who has no idea of what’s happened to Ed or how they can gain entry to the building…Ros has the answer and uses the truck to take off the front portion of the building…. as Beckett and Katie make a run for the lift. Failing to make it before the doors close Beckett puts Katie behind him: Jean-Daniel aims his bazooka, as Ed appears in the lift with a gun. Beckett stops him before he fires, and asks Jean-Daniel if he wondered where the second missile was re-targetted to…Jumping from the truck Ros and Clare are narrowly missed by the incoming second missile, which explodes inside the building, disabling the electronic trigger on the bazooka. Ed takes the opportunity to use his gun to silence Jean-Daniel…with glue. Another one of Clare’s non-lethal weapons sticks the Frenchman to the spot… Back at Gizmos Beckett is "playing" with Katie as Ros, Ed and Clare has tea. Katie’s game involves tying Beckett to a chair with masking tape and refusing to allow him to be released before he promises to marry her mother… |
all images and contents are copyright © 1998 Carnival Films.