70. INT. JERRY'S OFFICE. NIGHT. 70 JERRY talking into her phone. JERRY ... Hangar 10. Unauthorised aircraft movement ... I want full alert . . all emergency services on condition red - 70A. EXT. FIRE STATION. AIRPORT. NIGHT. 70A. * * The doors open and fire engines rush out. * 71. EXT. AIRPORT. NIGHT. 71. * BECKETT and ED run across the tarmac in the * direction of the hangar. ROS (V.O.) How can I stop it? ED (to radio) Disengage the autopilot. 72. EXT/INT. AIRLINER COCKPIT. NIGHT. 72. * * ROS comes back into the cockpit and looks at the * bewildering array of knobs and controls, all now illuminated and fully functioning by themselves. ROS Where the hell's the autopilot? ED (V.O.) It's yellow ... I think. Orange anyway. It's to the left of the throttles, just above the ... er. ROS sees the switch in question, clearly labelled. ROS You mean this one marked "autopilot"? ROS moves the switch. Nothinq happens. The engines still purr. The plane continues moving out over the tarmac. She moves the switch to and fro. It has absolutely no effect. ROS Useless! Any other ideas? 73 EXT. AIRPORT. NIGHT. 73. The plane rolls across the tarmac heading for the runways. ED and BECKETT starts to chase after it, but it's obviously hopeless to chase a plane on foot. ED Open one of the doors. Jump out. * 74A. INT. AIRLINER. NIGHT. 74A. * ROS I've tried the doors. They won't budge. Whoever's controlling the plane has already thought of that. 74B. EXT. AIRPORT. NIGHT. 74B. * * ED is alerted by a shout from BECKETT. He sees a * * fire engine coming towards them. * 74. INT. AIRLINER. NIGHT. 74. ROS has one last attempt to try to open one of the cabin doors. She can't manage it. She goes to a window and looks throuqh. * * 75. EXT. AIRPORT. NIGHT. 75. BECKETT flashes his useless security pass at the fire engine's CREW. BECKETT Security. We need a lift. BECKETT qets into the cab.. ED goes to the rear of the tender and climbs on to the escape ladder on the tender's roof. The tender drives off after the runaway plane. ED inches his way alonq the escape ladder until he is at the end. The plane trundles along the taxiway ... The fire tender starts to catch up with the plane. The plane reaches the end of the taxiway and turns to go on to the runway itself. 76 INT. AIRLINER COCKPIT. NIGHT. 76. ROS is in the cockpit as the plane turns. ROS sees the runway lights twinkling ahead of her. Over the plane's radio comes the voice of a CONTROLLER. CONTROLLER (V.O.) Hotel Lima 647. You are not clear for take-off. Repeat not clear for take-off. ROS I know. I know! ROS looks at the runway. The enormity of her situation now apparent. 77. EXT. RUNWAY. NIGHT. 77. The plane halts at the head of the runway. The fire tender drives up under the big tail of the plane, and squeals to a halt. BECKETT Ros. We'll try to open a door from outside. ED on top of the escape ladder leans out to try to qet hold of the emergency handles to open one of the cabin doors. INSERT: The emergency handle. ED's hand is only inches away. ED (to BECKETT) You'll have to extend the ladder. INSERT: Inside the cab of the fire tender BECKETT activates the extension mechanism. INSERT: The ladder moves forward slowly. ED's hand nears the door release lever. 78. INT. SECRET COMPUTER PLACE. NIGHT. 78. On the computer screen we see a list of Throttle Settings. In a box on the screen FULL THROTTLE is highlighted. 79. EXT. RUNWAY. NIGHT. 79. The plane's engines roar as full throttle is applied. The plane moves forward. INSERT: The door release handle moves away from ED's hand. The plane quickly gathers speed. INSERT: BECKETT/ED's P.O.V.: A forlorn ROS peers out from one of the cabin windows as the plane hurtles down the runway. 80 INT. AIRLINER. NIGHT. 80. ROS, rather frightened, sits in the plane as it speeds down the runway. ROS' P.O.V.: She sees the runway lights flashing past. The plane's controls working themselves. ROS turns to look through the window. The plane takes off. ROS' P.O.V..: BECKETT and ED standing by the fire tender on the runway. 81. 81. For the first time we get a good look at the complex equipment controlling the plane. Some screens show diagrammatic forms of all the dials and indicators to be found in a cockpit; another screen shows navigation information, with the plane's position marked by a blip on a map; another screen shows perhaps a diagrammatic outline of the plane itself, with information about ailerons, flaps, rudder, wheels, engines, etc. displayed in the.relevant area. As the plane takes off: INSERT: The computer altimeter reads: 50, then 100, then 150, 200, 300, 500 feet. Now we PULL BACK and reveal that the man driving all this equipment is QUENTIN ELVERSON. 82. EXT. RUNWAY. NIGHT. 82. BECKETT and ED watch the plane take off into the night sky. FADE TO BLACK