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Season Three Episode One


Directed by JOHN STROUD


First Transmission Date July 19th 1997, repeated June 25th 1998 (UK GOLD)



Ed: Craig McLachlan
Ros Henderson: Jaye Griffiths
Nick Beckett: Jesse Birdsall
Kitty McHaig: Leslie Ash
Jan: Jan Harvey
Alex Jordan: Paula Hunt
Andrew McHaig: John Turner
Channing Hardy: Michael Grandage
Christopher McHaig: Paul Lacoux
Ben: David MacCreedy
Zak: William Oliver
Agent: Ian Liston
Mechanics: Rocky Marshall, Russell Richardson
Process Server: Nick Simpson
Bank Official: Amanda Perry-Smith


To a thumping musical accompaniment, a blonde woman (Kitty McHaig) surrounded by bizarre structures of metal, plastic and strangely attired skeletons throws a torch into a burnt-out sports car. Already pre-treated with Napalm, the car bursts into flames. As her assistants Zak and Ben look on, McHaig’s agent protests that no gallery will show such a work: however Kitty is convinced her High Art is worth at least half a million (especially as it’s the first time she’s ever shot a ground-to-air missile into a car…). Her mobile phone interrupts the negotiations: it is her twin brother Chris, phoning from his place of work. Atop a crane he wishes her a happy birthday, a sentiment which she enthusiastically returns. However Chris is unhappy, pressurized at work by his boss, their father. Kitty urges him to get out, but Chris hasn’t the nerve to approach him knowing that as his father refused to allow Kitty into the business he’ll be equally as awkward about allowing him out. Chris suddenly rings off, and as an increasingly concerned Kitty tries to get him back on the ‘phone she is unaware that her brother has walked out onto the structure of the crane. Seconds later Chris throws himself off the crane to his death…

At Chris’ funeral his father is interrupted by a ‘phone call. Despite the occasion Andrew McHaig rushes back to work, to the total disbelief of a distraught Kitty… Meanwhile, a well-dressed man is showing Ros the final design of a credit-card sized camera capable of storing an hour’s worth of video. The man is amazed Ros has never licensed any of her designs before, and assures her she is about to become a VERY rich woman. Their planned joint celebration is interrupted by a ’phone call, which calls Ros away…whilst Ed is throwing himself around a racetrack on a prototype motor cycle. The two test engineers monitoring his progress are particularly impressed with his abilities, but warn him against exuberance, as his tyres aren’t rated for speed… As the front tyre blows Ed loses control and the bike careers into the test equipment…thrown clear Ed hurts his leg, and damages his ringing mobile phone… Beckett meanwhile is having difficulty in getting money from a cashpoint, as all his cards seem to be unusable. Checking with his bank he discovers that his account has been frozen, due to a Court Order which not only freezes his bank account but all of his other assets… Receiving a call he rushes to meet Ed and Ros at a construction site…owned by Andrew McHaig. A dynamite lorry has overturned in the Airport link tunnel McHaig Construction is building: Ros and Ed have already examined the truck and Ros has found a small device in a brake pipe, which shouldn’t have been there. Suspecting sabotage, Beckett asks McHaig if he has any enemies: McHaig tells him to take a number and get in line…

Some time after Chris’ death, Beckett visits Ros’ new home: a considerable improvement on Gizmos. She has taken several floors of an exclusive building, and although in disarray it’s obvious that her first royalty cheque has been considerable. Despite the surroundings Ros is dismissive of her new home, knowing there’s more to life than money. She begins examining the device from the brake pipe as Beckett asks where Ed is… He is at a private viewing before the official opening of Kitty’s "exhibit", and is quick to catch Kitty’s eye. She can tell Ed’s not an art critic, and is keen to explain how her art is a part of her life, and is created from a number of high-tech suppliers and arms dealers. Ed is quick to point out that Kitty is obviously unhappy: a fact he makes worse by then asking Kitty who might be out to sabotage her father’s business. Obviously angry Kitty tells Ed that McHaig Construction is "men’s business" and she knows nothing about it: and the mention of Christopher, and where Ed might contact him abruptly finishes the conversation.

Back at Ros’ both she and Beckett are examining the sabotage device, a device easily constructed from conventional parts but in Ros’ opinion constructed by a genius. The entryphone interrupts them: it is the businessman, Channing Hardy, with whom Ros previously made a date and then promptly forgot. Beckett can’t believe Ros would date anyone called Channing: and his scepticism continues when forced to "make friends" with Hardy whilst Ros gets changed. Meanwhile at the Airport Tunnel McHaig’s construction team discover a wall which shouldn’t be where it is… Ed arrives at what he terms "Millionaire’s Row" and can’t remember which is Ros’ home: calling up Beckett for directions he tells Ed it should be easy to find, as Ros and Channing are just leaving. Entering, Ed has no problems with Channing, though Beckett is obviously perturbed, even more so when there is a call on Ros’ entryphone. Making Ed answer, he deflects a mystery caller looking for Nick Beckett. Pressing his friend, Ed discovers Beckett is having financial problems and someone is trying to serve him with Papers. Deflecting the conversation back to the sabotage device Ed realises he has the perfect excuse to pay a return visit to Kitty. McHaig and his men meanwhile have discovered what is behind the previously unknown wall: a secret chemical store sealed by the original Bureau of Weapons Technology on September 29th 1953. In front of a startled McHaig and his workers lies what appears to be a missile. This whole event is filmed by one of McHaig’s workers…in reality, Kitty’s assistant Ben in disguise.

At Kitty’s studio Beckett enjoys playing with a remote controlled toy, whilst Ed quizzes Kitty on who could have designed the saboteur device. Kitty names Ros as a possible suspect, much to Beckett’s amusement. and offers to keep the device and look into who else could be responsible. There is obviously some attraction between Ed and Kitty, a point that Beckett quickly points out as the pair leave, just seconds before he is served a writ from a creditor by his mysterious pursuer, on roller-skates! Forced to come clean, Beckett explains that it is Amanda Courtney who has got him into this position. His ex-fiancée made him believe he was giving her a reference but instead used Beckett as a guarantor to a debt. Beckett makes Ed promise he will not say anything of the situation to Ros. Meanwhile Ben is showing Kitty and Zak the video of the discovery in the tunnel…and the three plan a burglary. Breaking into the tunnels the threesome discover a door inside the sealed area, marked as dangerous. Kitty is far more interested in the contents of the sealed room than the missile…

The next day Ed and Ros examine the single chemical missile, whilst Beckett goes to the Central Office of Records and Archives. Talking to the Director of Intelligence Co-Ordination (known only as Jan) it becomes clear that she has Beckett in mind to help revive the Bureau of Weapons, and knows a surprising amount about Beckett’s financial difficulties. Bringing him to what remains of the Bureau (a room full of files and a sympathetic filing clerk) Jan refuses to give Beckett the information on Bureau operations 40 years previously, unless he agrees to head up the Bureau and brings both Ed and Ros on board. Despite the financial security the offer would give him Beckett walks away. Meanwhile Andrew McHaig watches as Ros and Ed (in chemical suits) prepare an Overpack Container, a specially constructed unit into which the missile will be loaded and transported away for disposal. Unwilling to immediately give up on his quest for information Beckett waits outside the record office for the filing clerk to go to out on a course: he will then sneak back in and locate the information. Ros meanwhile has helped Ed to get the missile off the ground and onto a specially designed forklift, but neither notice Kitty appear and sabotage the forklift’s electronic control panel… Breaking back into the Bureau, Beckett is disturbed by the return of the filing clerk, who is both intelligent and an expert in martial arts! Fooling Beckett into thinking she has left and then holding him in a headlock Beckett pleads for her help, telling her it will be a victory over her boss who need never know.

Ros and Ed are transporting the missile back to the Overpack Container when Kitty’s sabotage device kicks in, stopping the forklift and causing the grabs holding the bomb casing to shut. Unable to stop the constriction of the missile, Andrew rushes to their aid (without putting on a suit) with bolt cutters, and without thinking severs the hydraulic links. As the bomb is squeezed further some chemical agent squirts out and hits Andrew, just seconds before the bomb drops to the floor. Incapacitated by what is now clearly nerve agent, Ros rushes Andrew to hospital leaving Ed, injured from a falling missile that has started to tick… In intensive care at the McHaig Hospital Andrew has survived: Ros leaves him as Kitty arrives. Kitty having the chance to talk to her father uninterrupted for the first time in years attacks him for not allowing her a part of the family business and warns him that the time to destroy both him and his business is close at hand. The barrage brings the man’s blood pressure to a point where the medical staff suspect he’s about to have a heart attack…. and Kitty’s next stop is to "take over" from Ros in overseeing the removal of the injured Ed and the bomb from the Storage Facility. Ros is less than impressed with Kitty, but she does bring a means of removing the missile: a vehicle that she calls the "Battlewagon"…

Beckett manages with the help of the clerk (called Alex) to access the Bureau files, an action that in itself carries a hefty jail term. Discovering it is not just one missile in the facility but an underground store that is packed with decommissioned weaponry, Beckett is about to leave and warn Ros and Ed when Jan appears and offers him a straight choice: work for her or go to jail. Ed meanwhile is amazed to see the Battlewagon arrive, and climbs in as the door opens automatically. With the missile loaded onto the Battlewagon Ed sets off…in the opposite direction to the exit. Kitty has planned the whole thing, and sends Ed into the centre of what Beckett tells Ros is enough nerve agent to destroy half of London. Making her getaway Kitty leaves Ed stranded, unaware of his predicament until he steps out of the Battlewagon. However, she has reckoned without Ros and a pair of handcuffs… Ros tries to get Ed out by urging him to find the Smart Control unit in the Battlewagon: as Kitty brings her to the ground, desperate to get away her father and Beckett arrive. Having discharged himself Andrew McHaig is determined to see his project succeed… and when Ed needs a password to access the Smart unit it is him who gets Kitty to supply it… Using the name of Kitty’s mother Annabel Ed releases the smart control and starts the Battlewagon himself, getting the missile out and into the Overpack container with seconds to spare. But Kitty is still worried: Beckett points out that the missile had never really been part of Kitty’s plan…and Ed deduces that her plan all along had involved the toxic waste. Realising there must be a bomb in the Battlewagon, Ed jumps in and drives at high speed out of the Tunnel: Kitty however is silent on a password to defuse it. It is Andrew that supplies this solution: and as Ed drives whilst trying to type "Christopher" to stop the countdown he swerves and crashes the Battlewagon…unable to complete the password entry he jumps clear just as the bomb explodes. Kitty takes the opportunity to pin down Ros and cut herself free with the bolt cutters Andrew used to release the forklift’s hydraulics…as Beckett rushes to Ed’s side and finds him unconscious…

Ed is rushed into A&E, with Beckett and Ros at his side. Ed is now awake but oblivious to his pain (thanks to a pre-med injection) Beckett promises to find Kitty McHaig on his behalf. The threesome is interrupted by Jan, who has arrived to check her "investment" is safe. Beckett protests, saying he believed it was only his co-operation that Jan wanted for the Bureau: she however considers the deal to include the whole team. An embarrassed Beckett turns and tries to find the words to explain the situation to his colleagues…


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