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Name: Director of Intelligence Co-ordination, Codename "Jan"
Real name: Barara (surname unknown)
Background Information: (Season 3)
After Roland Blattys untimely retirement as Bureau Chief,
Jan believed there was a real need to rebuild the Bureau of Weapons [S3E9],
but could not at that time find the right staff to run the department. Becketts
unfortunate financial position and his need for Bureau-sensitive information in a hurry [S3E1] allowed Jan to effectively blackmail him into becoming Bureau
Twos Chief, with his colleagues in a supporting role. Tough, with a distinctly
no-nonsense approach Jan is not afraid to speak her mind, which leaves no doubt as to whom
is in charge [S3E3]. She does not take kindly to people overruling
her authority [S3E6], and is a shrewd political operator [S3E4], working well with diplomacy [S3E8].
However her initial harshness to Beckett and his colleagues begins to soften when Jan
realises their talents are best used when they are given willingly and not forced [S3E5], [S3E7]. Of the three ex-Gizmos
employees she gets on best with Beckett, for whom she has special affection. Her
relationship with Ros runs hot and cold, but both have a professional respect for the
other [S3E10] She has no problems with Ed, but her filing clerk
Alex is a different matter [S3E5]...
Jan is good friends
with Sir Anthony Fairchild, and is Godmother to his
daughter Julia. [S3E7] Jan was asked by Fairchild to marry him back in the 1970s but
her career was more important to her at the time than settling down [S3E9] and so the
opportunity passed, though it is apparent that the pair are still very close. With the
absence of an immediate family Fairchild and his daughter have been the next best thing:
with Beckett and his team coming a close second. Unexpectedly replaced by Elaine Harman as Bureau Chief for a short period when she
and David Lance attempted to steal the bulk of the
Bureaus funds by deception [S3E9]: Jan has been offered a
seat on the National Security Executive, although it is unclear at present whether that
position has been accepted or not