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Name: Ed (Surname unknown) Date of
Birth: Unknown
Background Information (Season 1)
Even less is known
about Eds past than Beckett as Season One begins: it is quickly clear that Ed is the
Jack of all trades amongst the three, though his forte is computer games [S1E1] rather than computers themselves. [S1E3]
An accomplished pilot and climber [S1E1] hes also a skilled
athlete, with particular merit in the field of Tai Kwon Do [S1E9].
He has been friends with Ros for many years [S1E1] and quickly
warms to Becketts no-nonsense approach to matters. He too has an eye for the ladies [S1E8] [S1E2] [S1E6]
and has ties to women whom he still feels close to. He is quick to accept Ros offer
to join herself and Beckett as part of Gizmos.
The most mercurial of
the threesome, Ed always approaches anything he does with boundless enthusiasm and cheer.
Occasionally he is frustrated with the mundane [S1E6] and will
often try to add excitement to a situation where there is none. Happiest on a bike [S1E3] [S1E8] he has a useful skill with
locks [S1E3] [S1E7], an ability to charm
[S1E8] and is generally happy to play second fiddle to Becketts authority [S1E4], though there are occasions when his enthusiasm and curiosity
can get the better of him [S1E5] [S1E8]
Particularly close to Ros, it is obvious that their friendship is based on mutual respect
and trust [S1E3] Only rarely does Ed have doubts about the work he
is doing [S1E6] and when he does those doubts are normally
correct. The rest of the time he is happy to think his way into and out of complex
situations [S1E2] [S1E10] with a mixture
of bravado and intelligence.

Background Information (Season 2)
Eds "hero" status is more than
confirmed when he not only successfully lands an STA shuttle but also is responsible for
the deployment of a satellite [S2E1] [S2E2]. However, like many
such incidents in Eds life, true credit never reaches him but is given to someone
else. This incident is just one of many where Ed is prepared to stick his neck out and do
something (some may see as stupid) to get the job done [S2E3] [S2E4] [S2E5] However, Ed has a lot to learn
in the fields of chemistry and biology [S2E6] and his fear of
insects [S2E3] makes this man of action look perhaps a little more
human and vulnerable. However, his flying skills are without parallel [S2E4]
and unlike Beckett he does not suffer from vertigo [S2E7]. He is
also a successful guinea-pig (with Beckett) of the Mindscope DCE
Ed also obviously
cares a great deal for Ros, but his interest is purely as a friend. Ed has no hesitation
when given a choice to save her by killing her [S2E10] believing
he is doing the right thing. His attitude towards her generally and the ease with which
they work as a team [S2E3] [S2E5] implies
they have been close for quite some time. Ed has few chances to exercise his own brand of
charm this time around [S2E10], but when he does, he is swift and
straight to the point! [S2E2]

Background Information (Season 3)
Eds time with
the Bureau begins badly: spending an extended stay in hospital as a result of his brush
with Kitty McHaig he is keen to join Jans new
organisation, which will afford him a measure of security he has missed working with
Gizmos [S3E1]. He takes an instant liking to Alex [S3E2] and it is obvious from the outset that the pair are attracted
to each other. However, it takes some time for Eds real character to become apparent
to Alex [S3E8], and although their first date for her is
technically a disaster [S3E9]. Ed has obviously made an
impression. The young man has greatly matured in his time at the Bureau, seeming closer to
both Beckett and Ros [S3E3], [S3E10] and
has become far more cautious in his approach to situations, although it must be said that
occasionally he does allow his heart to rule his head [S3E3], [S3E8]. His unorthodox climbing skills are still in demand [S3E6] , [S3E8] although his lack of
competence with a computer is an occasional source of frustration [S3E6].
As time goes on he becomes a worthy partner for Alex [S3E3], [S3E5], [S3E6] as he stops trying to
impress her and concentrates on his job
His relationship with DOIC Jan is still unclear, though its apparent that he is uncertain of his
feelings for her as a Boss [S3E9].