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Name: Nicholas Beckett Date of Birth: Unknown
Background Information: (Season 1)
Very little is known about Nick Becketts
early years at this point. However, his career is fairly well documented: he began it as
part of Marine Command, and served in Gibraltar under Admiral Lansdale [S1E2] (presumably his fear
of heights [S1E7] [S1E9] precluded him
from applying for the Air Command). During this time he was well-trained in combat and
pursuit skills, but was unable to cure himself of sea sickness [S1E4]
After being disciplined for trespassing on a US Base and Unauthorised Leave, Beckett faced
a Court Martial for "Failing to obey orders" and was discharged [S1E1] This allowed him the opportunity to develop a strong skill
with electronics at his tenure with The Hive, before the SACROS incident lost him his job
and allowed him the opportunity to team up with Ed and Ros
A pragmatist, Beckett has a short temper and can
easily be rubbed-up the wrong way [S1E3] and does not appreciate those who do not
appreciate the work done for them by Gizmos [S1E6]. He is clearly
has a soft spot for an attractive woman [S1E2] [S1E8] which can cloud his judgement. He also has problems with a
number of authority figures, including Commander Wence at SSD [S1E5]
but despite this is often the diplomat of the team [S1E6] However,
his Government contacts have been advantageous on a number of occasions in obtaining
assignments for himself and his colleagues [S1E8]. Although not as
fit as Ed [S1E9] Beckett can hold his own physically if pushed [S1E4] but is aware that Eds abilities and skills are not
interchangeable [S1E5]. Despite his professional exterior,
its abundantly obvious that Beckett cares a lot for Ros [S1E1]
[S1E7] but this is purely on a level of fellow colleague. Although
not the owner of Gizmos, Beckett is clearly its figurehead, a position hes
happy to hold and from which Ed and Ros have no problems taking orders.

Background Information (Season 2)
Its well known that Beckett has an eye for
the ladies [S2E3]
but his track record is less than impressive, as his ex-fiancée will attest [S2E2]. Beckett seems to feel a lot more at with animals, especially
dogs [S2E8], and seems to have little time for anyone else in his life. Ros, however,
is becoming someone with whom he has a close bond, both professionally and personally: he
is always impressed with her abilities [S2E1], [S2E5], [S2E6] and actively encourages her
when shes feeling hard pressed to complete a task [S2E2].
His reaction to Ros infection with the Cyberax
virus seems to imply that his personal feelings for Ros may well be a great deal stronger
than even he is prepared to admit
[S2E9] [S2E10]
Beckett has adapted well from his office-based job
at The Hive to work in the field: happy to act a part to ascertain information (BW) or put
himself at risk in order to get the job at hand completed swiftly (NR) hes still
very much the front man of the team. His Marine Command training also has its uses in this
environment (SB) and a fondness for tinkering with explosives (ACFS) is an obvious
advantage. Hes even managed to conquer his fear of heights, at least in part (BW).
Beckett can occasionally let his cleverness get the better of him (BW), although it is his
ignorance in certain, more philosophical, areas of interest (SB) that is a good source of
amusement for both Ros and Ed

Background Information (Season 3)
Becketts past
returns to haunt him when what he believed was a reference for a job interview turns out
to be a guarantee for a loan [S3E1] With his assets frozen,
Beckett is blackmailed by DOIC Jan into heading up the new Bureau of Weapons, renamed
Bureau Two. The arrival of Channing Hardy in Ros
life causes him a fair deal of consternation, and it takes some time for Beckett to
realise that his feelings for Ros are what is causing him such a problem. Unable to
reconcile Ros with a social life [S3E5) he takes great pleasure in
abusing Channing [S3E1], [S3E3] and his
hospitality wherever possible [S3E6] [S3E7]
even when the businessman has been helpful in Bureau affairs [S3E5]
However his feelings for Ros do not preclude his ability to spot and appreciate a pretty
face (305)). It is the wife of President Rostov who
finally persuades Beckett that he may have a chance in winning Ros over. However, when Ros
announces her intention to leave the Bureau for the USA, Beckett is torn. Finally his
devotion for Ros shines through as he tells her it is her work that is more important than
anything else, and she should go where she will enjoy the work most [S3E7]
Fortunately for him Ros chooses the passion and excitement of the Bureau: however, Beckett
is too scared of showing his true feelings in case he ruins his chances of happiness [S3E8]. It takes Roland Blattys
threat to kill him to make Ros show her true colours, and for Beckett to realise he had
nothing to worry about [S3E10]
With his home up for
sale Beckett spends the majority of his time on a canal boat [S3E9]
but after he is thrown out Ros is happy to allow him to sleep at her place [S3E10]. Becketts relationship with DOIC
Jan is the warmest of the ex-Gizmos staff: the DOIC seems at ease with his
commitment and determination [S3E4] and even allows him to know
some details of her personal life [S3E9]. At home and obviously
relaxed in his role as Bureau Chief Beckett has learned a great deal about fieldwork and
the need to think on your feet [S3E3], but still
occasionally allows his lack of tact and diplomacy to lead him into trouble [S3E4]. Ros disappearance comes as a total surprise to Beckett,
and it is safe to say he will do everything in his power to find his partner